Applications of TRT®
Did you know? “As you explore using The Radiance Technique® on an ongoing basis, you begin a discovery process, a movement toward clarity. This Radiant Light energy supports seeing your relationship to the universal within all Living things, enhances your capacity for conscious choice, opens you to the discovery of your wholeness and the releasing of patterns that are not supportive.”
Applications of TRT®
Did you know? “TRT® amplifies the connection with universal energy, focuses the energy flow through your hands (although other focus points have been used, such as feet), and provides a specific technique that promotes positive stress responses and consciousness expansion and supports your process towards wholeness.”
Applications of TRT®
Did you know? “The Radiance Technique® itself could be seen as a kind of ‘internet’ of Real Light, linking all that is at the point of Light and communicating in the language of Radiant, transcendental, universal energy, beyond the limits of time and space.”
Jan 1 - Jan 31

High Noon Networking

High Noon Networking
Feb 1 - Feb 28
TRTIA Online Meeting
From 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Historical Perspectives on The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®
The term “rei‐ki”
TRTIA Mission & Purposes
TRTIA is a non-profit organisation which protects and preserves the intact science of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®.